Sunday, September 30, 2007

Cousin Josephine

I started researching family history in 1989. Briefly I had drawn a two or three generation tree before but when my grandfather, Harry Edward "Ed" Sherry, died, it opened up many questions for me.

Before we had computers linked to the Internet, the best source of information was in the Church of the Latter Day Saints (Mormons). I went to the local history room of our local LDS church and started looking at Microfilm. When I found information I had to order another microfilm to discover who the source was.

Eventually, I discovered that a lot of Sherry family information had been submitted by Josephine Young Baggs of North Ogden, Utah. Having no idea how long ago she submitted it or when she submitted, I dialed her phone number and hoped that she was alive.

She answered the phone.

Over the next few months and years Cousin Josephine would guide me through any number of mazes. She willingly gave me information Just starting out, I didn't have much to share). Often when I was stuck on another family name she would make a handwritten copy of a family group sheet and mail it to me. She was a great mentor.

Josephine Baggs died 30 Sep 2007. For many of us Sherry researchers, cousin Josephine was a friend and mentor, always willing to share research tips and results. It was mostly through her support that I became greatly interested in family history. She will be missed by many of us researchers.

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